Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Green Eggs And Ham!


Today is a deeply sad day - not because it is Weigh-in Wednesday, but because I have come to the end of all 13 remarkable, extraordinary and wonderful episodes of HOUSE OF CARDS the Netflix 2nd Series with Kevin Spacey. This became available on the 14th of February and I have virtually watched all the episodes back to back. Not since BREAKING BAD have I been totally hooked on a TV Drama so compelling and beautifully scripted and acting. If you haven't seen it,  I urge you to watch Series One first - you won't regret it!

Now showing on Netflix

Now for WEIGH-IN WEDNESDAY News - Well, I'm pleased to say that this week I've lost 3 lbs!
Which brings my TOTAL loss since the 8th of January to 27 lbs - just shy of 2 Stone, hopefully next week I will reach that "Mile Stone" - here's hoping. Yet again thanks to all of you that posted messages last Wednesday - it really is a great treat to read them (just remember to click on Anonymous from the drop down menu to leave your message)

Ham and Eggs:  a day's work for a hen; a lifetime commitment for a pig!

NOT Green Eggs and Ham, but Smocked Haddock With Spinach And Poached Egg!  This is becoming my favourite meal on my fast days!  With the 5:2 Diet or Fast Diet, I can only have 600 calories twice a week and then eat regularly the remaining five days.  However, I am now cutting my regular days down to 1500 calories. This  includes: NO MORE BREAD or POTATOES - Ahhhhhgggg - My Favourites.

This recipe is taken from "The Fast Diet Recipe Book".  The calorie count is 211 and it leaves me with a healthy 1289 calories for the rest of my day!

100 g baby spinach leaves
salt and pepper
75g skinless smoked haddock fillet
240 ml semi-skimmed milk
(1) egg
(1) tbsp half-fat creme fraiche
1/2 spring onion, finely chopped
squeeze of lemon (if you want)

These are two of my new recipe books!

Interestingly I worked with Dave Myers (Hairy Dieter) when he was a Make-up
Artist. In those days he had no hair at all including eye-brows
and then one day he woke up and his hair started to grow back
and look at him now - amazing!


  1. So very proud of you darling. BRILLIANT news.....I am broken after finshing series 2 and have had to start series one all over without the Underwoods is bleak.speak soon and LOVING your blog.

    1. Kate! I did the same thing with "Breaking Bad"! I watched it all over again because I missed my friends! I would do this with "Doc Martin", but Ian reminds me so much of that Bert Large character, so it already seems as though that character is a friend and a part of my life! Love, Cins xx

  2. Well done!!! 2 stone is a massive loss! Leon and I havnt finished it yet but loving it! We were staying in separate houses lastnight but both watched at episode at the same time and called each other after to discuss. It's almost as good as Shakespeare!

    1. You are so right, Maisie, the story Arc and the emotional relationships remind me of many of Shakespeare's Tragedies - I definitely think that the Underwoods could be compared to Mr & Mrs MacBeth for sure!!...xxxx

  3. Congrats Ian! Everything keeps going in the right direction. I could probably live on poached eggs and spinach, delicious. 1500 calories a day is not easy, I'm very impressed.

    I love so much about the Underwoods, but I remember the part in season 1 when Claire gets him a rowing machine for the basement. I'd probably do anything Robin Wright told me to do. her: "No more potatoes I'm afraid." me: "okay please don't hurt me."

    I love reading your updates, miss you tons!
    Jenny xx

  4. Wow Neicy you must be the fastest fast dieter of all time. I feel a new publication coming on:

    Mastering The Art of Mcneice's Cookery

    Prompter Pen

  5. Wow Pops what great news. 27lbs, that's awesome! Jenny and I can not wait to watch season 2 of house of cards. What a great show. Love reading your blog, it's the first thing I do when I get into work on Wednesday mornings. Jenny and I will be making that delicious looking dish this weekend. Keep it up! Love, Trav xx

  6. You Bastard! It's all fine and dandy that you are losing weight, but stop federal expressing the excess pounds in my direction! Damn You! Five pounds on since I've been back in the midwest and no sign of them going anywhere. I'm living in my overalls now! Congrats on the weight loss! You're doing great! Just think, you've almost lost the weight of two bowling balls! You go girl! Your rock! I loves ya baby! Love, Cins xxoo

    PS: I'm putting this in writing so that you will do it! Please call Lisa, the nurse at the doctor's office and set up a meeting with her. She can talk to you about weight loss and may be able to offer other suggestions that we aren't thinking of at the moment. Don't delay, call today! xxoo

  7. You'll have lost in 2 months what has taken me a year - keep it up you brilliant man. You motivate me to continue to make healthy choices, thank you. Love Ems

  8. I know J Oliver is a little tosser who seriously needs Panthene but this looks delicious and thought you might add this to your pantheon of low carb yummies!

    does this link work better?
